Hidden Legacies ( School Guide ) :

A intergenerational documentary on Indian residential school, which share stories of struggle, resistance and resilience.

Take look at video

View the guide here

Pathways to Leadership

A training program for immigrant women that is authentic , transformative and engaging. With deeper insights , learnings ,skill building and long term sustainable outcomes .

  • “Pathways helped me by making me aware of the vast array of resources available. The sharing of information was also very important, the interchange of ideas to advocate together. The instructor motivated us, gave us support and a helping hand, I am very grateful for all of that. Everything has changed for the good with the program. I can’t even explain it. You are not the same person. You have tools and you are confident and you are a go-getter, not just waiting. Before I was just waiting for something to happen or someone to knock on my door – no, no, not anymore. I’m making things happen.”
    Program Participant
  • “Being a part of the program gave me the opportunity to learn a lot of things. I developed relationships with other moms and discovered we shared the same worries and difficulties. They gave us tools to learn more about Canadian culture, law, rights for women in the labor market, finances, life experiences in Canada, networking and public speaking. They found ways for everyone to contribute even with little English. We found we have skills we didn’t even realize.”
    Program Participant
  • “Now I have goals, a lot of projects, amazing friends, a big network, my life is 100% better. M y personality has changed. Now I am more confident and I know that I deserve respect and to be treated well. The reflects on everywhere I go, The house is peaceful and full of respect. We respect each other if you have a feeling you speak out and you respect one another. There is no going back – Once you know and you learn, you cannot go back to the way you were. You want more.”
    Program Participant

If you like to get more information on this program or would like to implement it please get in touch with us.

Customized training and curriculum development

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